How to Make a VM Available for Several Remote Users?

Multiple users may either share one account or have separate accounts on a VM. These new accounts must be created using a corresponding system command, e.g.:

sudo useradd -m new_user_name

The new user also needs to have an ssh key:

sudo su new_user name
mkdir .ssh
nano .ssh/authorized_keys

Paste the user’s public key to the terminal <Ctrl-X> and confirm with “Y”:

chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

If you want to allow two remote users to access a single account (or you are using several keys, e.g. from home and from the office), just append the additional keys at the end of the file .ssh/authorized_keys.

Please be careful with the file authorized_keys. In case of invalid edits or deletion, access to the system may no longer be possible!