How to Install Boto3 in Windows on EO-Lab

boto3 library for Python serves for listing and downloading items from specified bucket or eodata repository. In this article, you will install it in a Windows system.

Step 1 Ensure That Python3 is Preinstalled

On a Desktop Windows System

To run boto3, you need to have Python preinstalled. If you are running Windows on a desktop computer, the first step of this article shows how to do it: How to install OpenStackClient GitBash for Windows on EO-Lab.

On a Virtual Machine Running in EO-Lab Cloud

Virtual machines created in the EO-Lab cloud will have Python3 already preinstalled. If you want to spawn your own Windows VM, two steps will be involved:

  1. Log into your EO-Lab hosting account with access to the Horizon interface:

  1. Use or create a new instance in the cloud. See article: Using Port Forwarding for RDP Through a Linux Bastion Host to Connect to a Windows VM on EO-Lab.

Step 2 Install boto3 on Windows

In order to install boto3 on Windows:

  • Log in as administrator.

  • Click on the Windows icon in the bottom left of your Desktop.

  • Find Command prompt by entering cmd abbreviation.


Verify that you have up-to-date Python installed by entering “python -V”.


Then install boto3 with the following command:

pip install boto3

Verify your installation, with command:

pip show boto3

What To Do Next

With boto3 library you can download and list satellite images from buckets or eodata repository.

How to access EODATA using boto3 on EO-Lab

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